The Manufacture
Everything that glitters at Blauwetters works of art is pure gold. The Düsseldorf artist combines creative artistic work with the old traditional gild-techniques. Gold is still in the royal houses and palaces of this world the symbol of pure luxury. Quality needs time, the finished of some of the pictures need often more than 2 months. In elaborate manual work, create the artist in his Düsseldorf studio unique pieces of luxury art. Blauwetter still works with the complex Poliment-gilding technique, which since the 16th century until today has not changed. High-quality materials like 23,75 carat gold leaf or silver give his pictures an original touch, that in conjunction with changing light provides fantastic and unique effects.

Blauwetter - Artist of exclusively design
1960 born in Worms, Germany
1979-1991 Formation in traditional method of manufacturing gold leaf and restoration.
1983-1991 Activity in the family business as a restorer
2006 - Artist
Artistic creativity:
Even as a young people, the artistic work fascinated him. Clear colors, shapes, structures and exclusive materials fascinate him. Nothing fulfills the need for objectivity better than straight lines consisting of modern forms. Bright colors are allowed now in a modern living style as well as austere white or black. Luxurious materials, such as gold and silver, come in his work to strengthen commitment and give his paintings exclusive looking style and elegance. Commissioned work and custom-made products according to your desires are possible. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will inform you.
Quote Blauwetter:
“My job is to create special precious works of art, for exclusive and demanding people. My particular passion is in the process of exclusivityness.”
Noble Paintings in Gold & Silver
Blauwetter Luxury Art
Ansprechpartner: Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Hansen
Wirtschaftsrecht - IT-Recht - Immobilienrecht
Erbrecht - Internationales Privatrecht
Rechtsanwalt Ralf Hansen
Prinz - Georg - Str. 91
D- 40479 Düsseldorf
Tel: +49/+211/6007354
Fax: +49/+211/6007391
Mobil: +49/176/34409844
Skype: duessellegal
Mail: info (at)
Michaela Balint
Bahlenstraße 30
40589 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0049 - 211 - 130 674 45
mail (at)
Steuernr. 133/5012/1507Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Michaela Balint
Technisch Verantwortlicher: Michaela Balint